As you may know B started the veg patch earlier this year and things are really starting to happen. The tomatoes are ready to ripen and it looks as though we'll have a bumper crop. According to the neighbours the plants they took are also doing really well too - yay!After a shaky start the courgette plants are in flower and I can't wait to see the first fruit and the sweetcorn Ange & Sue gave us is doing fine in its cardboard box. Never grown sweetcorn before and have heard people say it's quite tricky, but ours looks good so far, if a little on the short side (sorry for being heig


The french beens I sowed outside last month are now twining themselves around the rather elaborate and very tall poles I erected weeks ago (sorry, that's another height thing - not sure what's got into me today) so they won't look too daft once their covered in greenery. Honestly I got very excited at being allowed access to the veg patch that I erected all manner or tee-pees and other bamboo and string constructions which stood empty and accusing for what seemed like an age.
Anyway must go, got a kiche (is that how you spell it?) to make and all that!
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