Another day at the allotment hacking and slashing and waging war on all things weedy & brambly. Kerena had charge of the 'loppers' and went at it gung-ho, to the extent that she can't use her arms any more poor love. As a result our allotment's like a Tardis in the fact that it's getting bigger on the inside - same original space, but it's now a much larger surface area as we've finally found the original perimeter, which is great. And blow me if there wasn't a bath in there after all - B unearthed it but to our disappointment it's a shabby old plastic one full of brambles, however in the spirit of 'make do and mend' we'll keep it and see if we can't plant something decorative in it! I've been drawing up my ideal allotment and the plan is to work back from there to see what is:
a) actually possible, and
b) what we can actually afford.
I've tried to be practical (well for me anyway) and really need to go down and take some final measurements so that I can translate my cock-eyed orange sketches into scale drawings - not sure when that's going to happen as I've got an essay to write this week too.
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