This week is a sad occasion for me as I visit Mr 122's lawns carrying a bottle of Verdone Extra Liquid Lawn Weed Killer with my head lowered in shame. Yes, I've finally given in and resorted to chemical means to keep the weeds out of Mr 122's grass. I decided to take this route for two reasons, firstly it's horribly hard and soul destroying work digging out weeds only to find them back again the next time you visit, albeit in a slightly weakened condition, but they're still there! Secondly, and most importantly, I can't in all good conscience spend four hours per visit digging out weeds, when mowing, weeding and a quick sweep round should only take a couple of hours at most - I know that's probably not good business sense if he's prepared to pay for my time, but I just can't justify it in my own head when there are alternative methods that'll save him money (even if it's at the cost of my conscience). Also, lawn sand just won't hack it with dandelions and the infestation's too severe for vinegar and water, which I'll use as a follow-up method once the worst of it's been eradicated.
I don't think I'll ever get rich, but I'd rather do the right thing by Mr 122. My parents raised me proper, but I do feel like a hypocritical, two-faced baggage about using chemicals all the same. . .
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