Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Ooh, Pick Me, Pick Me!

As the 1940's are my spiritual home and as I have a bit of time on my hands at the moment I decided to sign up as a volunteer for the Imperial War Museum and this morning I donned my best headscarf and pearls and trotted along to the museum for my induction and interview. The day was run by a lovely chap called Jim Henderson, who is head of volunteering and stationed on the HMS Belfast. The morning was spent going through the rationale behind the volunteering scheme, which departments took volunteers and how many vacancies there were (which were very few due to budgeting restrictions). Part of the induction included a tour around some of the departments such as film and photography, which was fascinating.
The one-to-one interviews were held after lunch and mine was at 14:00. It was a short affair, but I did my best to impress. Jim is very keen to ensure that volunteers are placed in positions that both suit their talents and the requirements of the department they are assigned to and we discussed the possibility of me helping out on the education side and working directly with the public in some capacity such as tour guide, which would be perfect for me. Unfortunately these places are popular and with funding issues and re-organisation going on behind the scenes, there aren't currently any vacancies so I'm on the waiting list. Alas, always the bridesmaid never the bride. Is it wrong to wish someone a broken leg so that I can have a volunteer slot? I know, I know. That's not the attitude that won the war - stiff upper lip old girl!

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