You may have noticed (or not depending on how much other stuff you've got going on at your end) an absence of blogging on my part of late. This is due to the fortunate fact that I've been really busy with the old diggin' 'n' hoein' - to the point of aching elbows, sore hands and being good for nothing unless it involves imbibing a glass of wine and then falling asleep in front of the telly. Not that I'm complaining mind you, the extended summer has seen an increase in work at a time when most people start to re-prioritise their gardens, so I count myself lucky indeed.
This frenzy of autumn activity means, however, that I've been a bit lax with the old photos and updates - apologies. I was gonna try and catch up with myself but realised it was an impossible task in regard to both the blog and life in general and starting from here on in seems the best option - so watch this space!!!
no rush - I can wait. In yer own time mrs :P