Monday, 29 November 2010

Too Cool For Cats

Even for poor Wendel who's usually up for a frolic in the shrubbery!
Well, winter's finally here with a vengeance and all the sensible people (and animals) are all safely tucked up in-doors with their feet up and a nice hot cuppa. I, on the other hand am wearing 3 layers of merino and still plugging away as, although December is almost upon us, I'm still fortunate enough to have work. Wendel's owner is still happy for me to come in and clear the overgrown sections of garden and it really doesn't matter what time of year you weed, so it's all good for me.
I'm currently working my way along the right hand side of the garden and today involved removing lots of self-seeded Sorrell and dead ivy, which actually belongs to next door. In the process I discovered 2 bags of frozen bark chips, a lovely little wooden barrel and a Honeysuckle! I'll be going back in a couple of weeks for my final visit of the year - mind you, the snow's due tomorrow so this is dependent on whether or not we're snowed in.
Roll on Christmas - yay!

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