I was out hoeing an' a weedin' yesterday and the President of the Residents Association stopped by to say how nice the garden was looking, which was really nice to hear. It's funny how many comments B and I have had since we decided to do something with the front garden a couple of years ago. It's a really Tom & Barbara thing now that B has her veg patch going. The planting is a loose affair made up of various presents and cuttings from family gardens - all a bit experimental really, but we like it. We're trying to encourage the wildlife and have bird feeders, lots of lavender and rosemary, foxgloves, wild flower mix, a weed patch and hopefully soon my lupins and hollyhocks. I'll pop a picture on when it's in full bloom.
Distributed my gardening leaflet today and have already had some feedback. Outlook, an estate agent operating in Stratford and Forest Gate, want to put me on their books as their resident gardener so I've had to take out public liability insurance, which is good practice anyway - I don't want to be sued for leaving a rake or hoe hanging around for someone to fall over - not that I do as I'm very tidy. B would agree I was tidier in the garden than the rest of the house!
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