Today was my first day volunteering with the BBC's
Dig In campaign. This is it's second year and the team have been travelling around the country in a converted ice cream van encouraging people to grow their own vegetables, whether it's in pots on the widowsill, on a balcony, or in a garden or allotment. Today we were set up in the Market Square, Dover. There were lots of activities for kids and adults alike, photos of which you should be able to find on the website. Chris from the Blue Peter garden kicked things off with a chat about growing your own followed by games, a treasure hunt to identify garden insects and making a newpaper pot and planting a seed.

I was on pot making and seed planting. There was a choice of 5 seeds - basil, french bean, carrot, mixed salad and courgette with carrot being the seed of choice for most young 'uns. It was a great day apart from the sunburn (my forehead looked like a raspberry when I got back on the train as I'd blithely refused sun cream earlier in the day) and I can't wait for Kingston next week. We also gave away lots of packets of free seed, which you can also get on the website so log on and get growing.
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