Thursday, 4 August 2011

De Ja Vu?

I visited this garden last year to clear it, which took me a whole day. This week it took me half a day. Whether this is because I'm faster or because it was less overgrown I'm not sure! Actually that's a bit unfair as the tenants have a small child and are awaiting the birth of their second, so weeding isn't exactly a priority and they did keep on top of it for a while. Most of the folks I work for are out there in the garden doing the best they can and if everyone was a fanatical gardener I'd be out of a job, so I shouldn't complain really but it does break my heart to see good gardens going to pot.
If I'm honest his week has been sweaty and exhausting and I've spent most of it re-visiting neglected gardens. Below is another one that receives only part-time love from it's busy owner. The 'before' photo was taken after the grass had been strimmed down to a manageable height for the mower and the temperature was around 25 degrees - hot, hot, hot!
These jobs may be frustrating but they're also challenging - keeping up the enthusiasm and encouraging owners to get involved is part of the deal. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't - c'est la vie. I think people who invest in creating gardens in the initial stages get a bit lost once the growing starts. It may be lack of knowledge, a busy schedule or just plain laziness, but whatever it is I'll keep egging them on to get involved and hope that I eventually do myself out of business.

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