A welcome return to the raspberry house this February brought an overhaul of the front garden. This involved deadheading, weeding (weeds don't have a dormant season as such and are already cosying on down in most gardens damn them!) and pruning back a rather impressive, if a little feral, pyracantha growing up and around the front door.
The owner of said pyracantha loves it because the birds feed on the fab red (red, yellow or orange depending on which variety you have) berries during the winter. We have one down at the allotment that serves the dual purpose of bird feeder and security guard - anyone who wants to clamber through 1cm long thorns is obviously desperate for the odd carrot or two so good luck to them! Mind you I say this because the pyracantha is the ultimate deterrent and would give even the hungriest veg snatcher pause for thought.

Anyhoo, this pyracantha had a trunk the width of my thigh (no small thing I can tell you) and lots of shoots popping out of the bottom that'd basically been left to their own devices. So, armed with sharp secateurs, gloves and a long sleeved sweat shirt in I went. I managed to stay relatively unscathed with the help of some tree loppers and a large dollop of good luck and as you can see from the photo the end result was well worth it.
I'm back again next week to finish off the deadheading and weeding which proves there really is no rest for the wicked (or thankfully the gardener).
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