I realised today what a privilege it is being let loose on peoples garden's. I spent the day working for a lovely lady (a neighbour of one of my allotment buddies) who's husband created and maintained the garden. Unfortunately he died 3 years ago but is still there for her in every plant and blade of grass so, yes, I feel privileged. I was, however a little disconcerted when I realised that I'd been hoeing the cat! Apparently he was buried under the primroses, which were covered in weeds - thank heavens he stayed put. . . People really do form a deep emotional attachment to their gardens and each plant (or deceased pet) has a story and memory attached so there is a responsibility on my part to make sure I do the best job I can.
A day and a half brought this garden back from slightly overgrown to neat and tidy and as the owner's unable to get about as much as she'd like, I'll be going back to maintain it - with due reverence.
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