Is it me or does everyone like seeing their name in print? Why ask? Well, because I was well chuffed when I saw myself mentioned in that well known intellectual publication, the Newham Magazine. The piece related to the winners of the local front garden competition (as part of the Forest Gate Festival on 10 July) and as I generally don't win stuff and am still embarrassingly pleased with myself I thought I'd find out if I'm a sad-case or a really sad-case. Mind you, if I'm totally honest the only child in me is an itsy bit sulky 'cos she didn't win and is currently having a 'to the death' pillow fight with the bit of me that tries not to be a spoilt brat! I'm not sure at this stage who I'd put my money on, but I'm leaning towards sulky ginger kid - my grown-up side seems to have a nosebleed and wants to lie down in a dark room somewhere until the screaming stops.
p.s. I don't remember wooing anyone. In fact, I'm not sure I know how to woo. Any suggestions?
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