Friday, 11 June 2010

More Moors Please

I've just got back froma lovely break with Band ourbarmy mates Ange & Sue in Keldy on the North Yorkshire Moors - stayed in a cabin in the woods, visited the abbey at Whitby, rode the North Yorkshire Moors steam railway (absolutely fab - felt just like an evacuee!), went on a dusk walk and heard bats, visited the Helmsley Walled Garden and a lavender farm, which seemed to have as many varieties of mint as it did lavender (?!)
Anyhoo, I was totally indulged and was allowed to drag everyone along to my two other favourite things in Yorkshire (the first being the Cropton Brewery - try the Blackout it goes down rather well) the Rydale Folk Museum with it's WWII exhibition including period vehicles, shops, memorabilia and costumed staff and then the bestest thing ever, the Eden Camp, an old WWII prisoner of war camp turned museum. As you can imagine I was in seventh heaven and even got to dress up and have a photo taken in uniform at Rydale - honestly what more could a girl ask for? Well, perhaps a little less rain would've been nice, but hey-ho we made the most of it. Stiff upper lip and a waterproof and I was hot to trot - at least as far as the picturesque village of Lastinham for afternoon tea at The Grange Hotel with it's quaint mixture of furniture, laden bookcases and post-war feel. Ooh lovely!

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