Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Oh, If I Were a Rich Man. . . da, da, da, da, da, da da

Come on, shimmy those shoulders! Sorry, obviously I don't want to be a man, I just had a bit of a Toppol moment as we've been buying old musicals on DVD ever since seeing Julie Andrews at the O2 on Saturday. Bless Julie, she's a star and I got all weepy when I heard The Hills Are Alive - lovely! . . . all day long I'd . . . No Toppol, get off that roof and out of my head, now!
Went to see my financial advisor, John, last week and apparently money doesn't grow on trees which was a bit of a shocker actually. Anyway, it was a really good meeting and I came away feeling really positive. He confirmed what I'd been thinking and gave me some sound advice on how I should approach my business and where I place myself in the market. Lots to mull over once I finish typing up my current assignment for my RHS course. Just the editing to go thankfully.
On a gardening note I'm going back to the Maxwell House this week to cut the grass (and the asparagus he has growing in it!). It'll be the first outing for the push-me-pull-me mower so that's exciting. Only 3 weeks since I did the weeding so should be interesting to see if the garden's gone feral on me already.

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